Easter 2021 at Santa Rita Abbey

Easter 2021 at Santa Rita Abbey

Happy Easter Season! May our risen Lord Jesus fill your minds and hearts with his peace! Here are photos from our celebration of the Easter Vigil with Fr. Mark, and the Easter Day Mass with Bishop Edward Weisenburger. It was wonderful to share this glorious day with our bishop and Sr. Lois Paha who works closely with him for our diocese. We hadn’t seen either of them since Christmas 2019.

Easter Vigil

Light of Christ! Thanks be to God! . . . Christ is risen! The angels of God are rejoicing, Alleluia!

Easter Day with Bishop Weisenburger

Very early on the morning after the sabbath, they came to the tomb when the Sun had just risen, alleluia!


As we continue to pray for an end to the pandemic, we thank God for inspiring the medical researchers in the creation of effective vaccines. We pray for a just distribution of these vaccines around the world. God bless all the medical personnel who have labored so very long and hard to care for the ill, and for all those who are now helping to administer the vaccine. And God bless you, too, for all you and your loved ones have endured throughout the pandemic. May the risen Lord Jesus give new life to our entire human family–to body, soul, mind and spirit–throughout the Easter Season and beyond!