As A Child

As A Child

September 19, 2021: A Reflection for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Mark 9:30-37

Taking a child, he placed it in their midst, and putting his arms around it, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not be but the One who sent me. (Mark 9:37)

Like a bright stream alive with music, you wash upon our hearts. Stones in the streambed of our being are the strings you brush, making song out of your dance of love upon the places within us we have long thought to be obstacles and stumbling blocks to you. Places we thought even your tender mercy could not find. You wash over them in a torrent of joy. No rock too big to be embraced, to be washed and smoothed by mercy, to be given a place in the destiny of love that we are in our depths.

What then? Can you make even the driest streambed sing? Dance in the sun? Are we to carry buckets of good deeds to begin the song? Is it up to us? What then? How do we become children of light and song? You tell us: “Whoever receives one such child in my name, receives me.” Receive. Receive who you are. Rejoice in the rocks and twists and turns. They are held in infinite love and mercy and will one day become your glory. They are not obstacles to God. Receive the flowing waters. Become as a child. Let the bright song of transformation begin. Let the transfigured stream dance in the sunlight of mercy. Let the waters flow to the lowest place and rejoice. It is the dwelling place of God.