Advent Wreath Candle Blessing 2018: Second Sunday

Advent Wreath Candle Blessing 2018: Second Sunday

December 8, 2018: Eve of the Second Sunday of Advent

In a few moments, another flame will kindle its warmth in the heart of the second candle. Last week our candle burned brightly to remind us of a bedrock quality in a monk: to listen. This evening we expand the listening even more. How is it that we listen? In the deepest way possible, with the ear of our heart. We hold the flame close to the center of our being and let it expand our depths with its warmth and challenge to grow. To listen with the ear of our hearts means openness to God wherever and however God comes. To receive with trust and love the coming of God each moment. As we light this second candle, may our prayer be that we, too, will welcome the flame into our center, to listen with the ear of our heart. To hear the word of God and keep it. Keep it burning brightly.